Monday, February 16, 2009

Day Two - The Attraction of Lesser Things

This chapter had way too much in it for me to process.  Here is the prayer I wrote for myself coming out of it:
God, I want to love you and I want to love others, but its just not that easy.  I naturally gravitate towards loving myself, besides, my family, friends, and coworkers are sometimes really hard to love.  Tasks and to do lists are easier for me than relationships.  I also try to manage my life and fit everything in.  God, I cannot do it on my own, in my own power, I need your help.  I turn the management of my life over to you.  I surrender my "schedule" to you.  Make your priorities, my priorities.  Help me to quit settling for good choices with my time, but to make the best choices with my time.  I know my family is more important than "24", tennis, running, watching basketball on tv, help me show it.  God, help the important win out in my life over the urgent, the good, the easy, and from an eternal perspective the unimportant.  Amen.
Read day 2 and tell me what make an impact on you.

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