Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 6: Love Everyone as Your Neighbor

Love everyone.  I am a Christian, don't I automatically love everyone?....Just about everyone.  Who are the Samaritans to you?  Great question posed by the author.  One I didn't want to slow down long enough to answer.  I forced myself to really think about it, though.  I come across certain people in my job that are hard to love.  They think they are better than me because of the amount of money they have, how beautiful they are, or how in style they are.  I treat them the way my job requires me to, but I don't love them with God's kind of love.  This is where Holladay's point was really hammered home for me.  I can't love those people in my own power.  God wants me to depend on Him for the power to love, which for me requires a daily dependence on his power.  A big challenge, "God help me want to love my Samaritans, and God I depend on You to daily change my heart and give me the strength to love out of Your power not my own."

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