Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 25 - Mercy

One of the first things I think about when I think of mercy is the Karate Kid movies.  Do you remember in Karate Kid when the rival instructor taught his students to show no mercy and to always go for the kill? Not relevant here, but a great memory when miyagi sun beat up the rival instructor and had an opportunity to show him no mercy, but decided to take the higher road and showed him mercy.

A couple of things I underlined:
1)  The author's definition of mercy: mercy is removing the speck from your brother's or sister's eye.  Great definition of mercy, really puts a great perspective on mercy for me.
2)  Mercy is not optional.   Jesus knows that those who cannot find it in them to forgive haven't truly understood what it means to be forgiven.  
3)  A flat out refusal to forgive is a sure indication of what is going on in a person's heart.
4) Jesus offered merciful forgiveness even while being ridiculed, rejected, and nailed to a cross.  Powerful.
It is hard for me to wrap my arms around how much Jesus has forgiven me.

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