Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 24

A couple of comments from the book that really struck me:
*You see in other people the very problems that are most common I'm
your own life.
Wow, that hit pretty hard. It is going to make me do a better job of
looking real hard in the mirror the next time I notice a speck in
someone else's eye.

*Integrity means you make up your mind in advance to do the right thing.

What are the areas of your life that you need to decide in advance
about? This is my short list:
1) How I keep my witness and attitude in check in competitive
2) I know family is more important than hobbies, but which am I going
to give my time to?
3) Gossip, I need to eliminate it entirely. It shows up the most in
my work environment.
4) For me to not be afraid to speak the truth in love.
I know need to tell someone that can hold me accountable in each of
those areas. I also need to discuss it with God. Why don't you do
the same?

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