Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 19 - God is in the Conversation

Something that struck me was the comment, "More important than the way you talk to someone is the way you talk to God about them(167)."  Am I spending regular time talking to God about the important people in my life?  Wife, Kids, co-workers, my Brookwood family?

Also, I became aware of the importance of persistence in my prayer life.  Sometimes I think God gets tired of me telling Him the same thing over and over again, but Holladay makes it clear that the bible says I should ask with persistence.  Although, there is a difference between persistence and memorized repetition

I am also called to pray with confidence.  "The better you know the will of God revealed in the bible, the more confidently you can pray(172)."  I have to know God to know His will.  The only way I can know God is to read the Bible and talk with Him.  It makes sense that my confidence in prayer is tied very closely to the time I put into my relationship with God

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